Over Coffee and Goodbyes

Have you ever thought, how something so clear can ever make you feel disoriented? Confused that one very turn, clouded judgments, complicated decisions, can cause tears —

Immense pain. Make you lose countless battles.

They met, not by fate, but by chance. Fell in love, deeply, by choice but never by reason.

Have you ever thought, how something so hopeless, can ever make you feel this optimistic? You hope, and fervently pray that at the end of the winding road, you see her. Waiting.  That maybe, just maybe, you did something right.

To deserve her. To be loved by someone like her.

They met, not by fate, but by chance. Fell in love, deeply, by choice and never because of circumstances.

She needed her. Held her. Made her feel alive. One bus ride. One perfect day at the beach. One starry night at the castle towers.

Then one lifetime without her.

Have you ever thought, how something so beautiful can ever make you feel this. Unbearable darkness. With her last words of hate, stinging your soul. Scarring you for eternity.

They met, not by fate, but by chance. Do they say goodbye out of choice?

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